Design, Development and System Implementation


About us

We focus our skills and experience on System information consultancy, design and development of mobile platforms, project management, software control management, Softlanding and corporate finance in markets like (google dice such us, tal vez queda mejor) Florida, in the United States.
We adapt to high standard requirements, providing solutions to commercial and industrial processes of companies that are in the growth stage and internationalization.
Due to our high quality and excellence service, we want to be a national benchmark in the industry, contributing to solve and provide solutions to positively impact in it.
We are searching in each of our products and services, an active complementation with the environment, health and occupational safety. 

Mission,Vision and Commitment


We are consultants of Information Systems, design and development of mobile platforms, project management, management control software, corporate finance and softlanding in markets such as Florida, USA. We adapt to high standard requirements, providing solutions to commercial and industrial processes of companies that are in the growth stage and internationalization.


Our team wants to be a national benchmark in the industry, helping to solve and provide solutions that have a positive impact on the industry, providing efficiency, quality and service excellence.


We strive to fully comply with our quality, environment, health and occupational safety policy, where our technical team and clients are our main strategic axes, which drive us to meet high quality standards.

Organization Chart

Business Line

- Development and Design of mobile platforms.
- Development and Design of systems for catching data by PLC.
- Development of systems to checkweighing control.
- Design and Development speed control instruments.
- Development asset risk management platforms.
- Development platforms to the security system in the city.
- Deisgn and development optimization of industrial and commercial processes

Our Clients

“We are suppliers of the government of Chile”,
Registered at the public market


“Donation: Helping out to reduce covid-19 infections”

We donate to our Region the use of this app for free to control, contain and check the logistics of covid-19 in the region. They will be an amount of 200.000 citizens that will be allowed to download the app and evaluate symptoms if they feel something.

This app allows the user to feel supported in the first moment of the infection, helping to contain the anxiety when the phone lines are saturated. Containing the user of the attendance to a hospital, because is more dangerous and in that way it can prevent any infections. 

This app brings you an instant reply to the mild cases, setting the worst cases in the health workers hands where they can be helped immediately.

This app provides a map with zones of most Covid infections with the objective to help the local authority to make virtual fences and apply the sanitary strategy

El propósito es que en fase de seguimiento y monitorización el paciente se sienta siempre acompañado. Por ahora las comunas beneficiadas son Santa Juana, Quilaco y Tucapel.


Authority of Malleco

Meeting with the majors of the region, lecture them about containing covid 19 with the APP

Our Projects

APP 2BleClick:
Covid-19; Coronavirus

-Zero Contact, attendance registration control, security lectures and worker health symptoms chart. It can be used by phone or tablet.
-Erradicate any place of infection, you do not need to use pens, paper or fingerprint reader anymore because of the app.
-Autoreports, tracking and follow up in the industry infections of covid-19.
-Get a fast map with all the zones, offices, industry places where the virus is hitting up.
-Complement of the attendance control.
-Security lectures, the right to know and 5 minutes talks, health and ocupational security, all on your mobile phone.

APP 2BleClick:

2BleClick is a mobile app of security alerts for Android, where the main function is trough only 2 clicks you can alerts a danger situation or anything. You can do this to all the devices you want.  

App Móvil de

Transporte de Carga

TuKarga is a mobile app of supply and demand of truck loads, where drivers offer spots in their trucks and users look up for transport services. This system is in real time.

APP SoftRisk

SoftRisk is a software of control of Enviroment and Labor Risk. This software allows the analysis of situational events, to manage, prevent and correct any situation. It can get data to make decisions at any holding installations or a group of related companies.
Can you imagine all the time you can save in the data transmission and relevant information to make decisions of environmental risk and the safety of your workers? 

APP Softlocated

Selflocated is a facial recognition software that allows users to send alerts to a security central, Industry Plant administration center, hospitals, shopping centers, family and anyone who is setted to receive the information.

revisae texto
Es un software de reconocimiento facial, que permite enviar los alertas a una central de vigilancia, conserjería, administración de planta industrial, locales comerciales, mall, supermercados, clínicas y hospitales, familiares y a todas las personas que se quiera configurar para que reciban dicha información.
Te imaginas reducir el tiempo en identificar a aquellos que solo desean ingresar a tus dependencias o propiedad a hacer solo daño, hurtos y robos? 

Contact Us

If you want more information or have questions,
get in touch with us!

We are available 24/7 via

Whats App+ 56 9 6614 1324

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